Sunil Sandhu
How to Find Elements in an Array in JavaScript
6 Different Ways to Find Values in an Array in JS
JavascriptArrayArray methods
How performant are Array methods and Object methods in JavaScript?
Analysing the Big O of various Array and Object methods
JavaScriptPerformanceBig O
What's New in Next.js 14?
The latest version of Next, announced on Oct 26th 2023, brings Turbopack, React Server Actions, and Partial Rerendering, and more.
NextjsNext 14Turbopack
How to add a key to an object in JavaScript
JavascriptObjectsObject methods
How to Get Today's Date in JavaScript
How to Find String Index in JavaScript
How to write articles that people want to read
Here are a bunch of recommendations that the In Plain English team consider to be best practices when writing articles that your readers will find engaging and easy-to-read
WritingStyle guideWrite for ipe
I created the exact same app in React and Svelte. Here are the differences.
React vs Svelte. Finally, a side-by-side code comparison! Because you've heard the fuss about Svelte, and now you want to know what the hype is all about.
How to loop through arrays in React
How to write for In Plain English
In plain englishWritingWrite for ipe