
Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks to Watch in 2025

React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Next.js, and more - a comparison (based on use cases, pros and cons) of the best JavaScript frameworks for web development in 2025.

JavaScriptFrameworksWeb Development

5 Essential JavaScript Libraries Every Developer Should Know for Working with PDFs

Discover the top JavaScript libraries for working with PDFs, including Apryse SDK, PDF.js, PDF-lib, PDFKit, React-PDF, Puppeteer, and Playwright.

ApryseWeb developmentPdf

How to Generate Insights from PDF Files with Apryse and GPT

Raw Text Extraction alone isn’t enough For automating financial insights. You need to preserve tabular data.


shadcn in React Native?

Tailwind CSS and shadcn aren't available in React Native - Here's what you can do instead.

ReactJavascriptReact native

How to Detect Scroll End with JavaScript?


How to Design a Hotel Booking System?

(e.g Airbnb, Booking, Expedia from a front-end/full-stack view)

React nativeReact hook formJavascript tips

Build a Shopping Cart with Next.js 14 Server Actions

Creating a user-linked shopping cart using server actions with Vercel KV and Next-Auth.


How to Add Google Sign-In: Expo React Native Guide [2024]

A step-by-step guide to setting up Google sign in inside your expo-react native android application.

ExpoJavascriptReact native

How to Embed a Form Builder with JavaScript

A developer-friendly guide to embed a form builder with JavaScript


NextJS Authentication Flow — Store JWT In Cookie

Authentication flow using JWT and cookies.
