i18n in plain JavaScript
Build your own translation modules fully in-house. No npm!
Create Color Guessing Game with HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Enhance your skills with this front end development project: Creating a visually appealing and interactive web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
ExcelJS and Data Manipulation
How to incorporate ExcelJS into your automation workflow.
Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide
JavascriptAsync await
Create a Simple Game Menu Using Vanilla JavaScript and HTML Canvas
JavascriptHtmlHtml canvas
Enhancing Web Development: Leveraging innerHTML, textContent, and innerText in JavaScript
JavaScript for Mobile Apps: Choose the Perfect Framework
JavascriptMobile apps
How to Build a Simple Audio Chrome Extension
Learn how to create your own Chrome Extension
Chrome extensionWeb browserAudio
How to Build a Calculator Using JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide
Create your own calculator using JavaScript, HTML and CSS
JavaScript: 3 Ways to Find the Maximum Value in an Array
Finding the maximum value in an array in 3 ways: for loop, math.max() method with the spread operator, and reduce() method