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Get a Random Boolean in Python

To generate random boolean values in Python, generate a random bit value, then convert it into boolean values using the bool() method.

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Generating random boolean values can be useful in a variety of applications, such as simulations, testing, and decision-making algorithms. By generating random boolean values, you can introduce variability and uncertainty into your code, which can be helpful in creating more robust and adaptable software systems. Additionally, generating random boolean values with different probabilities can be useful in creating more realistic simulations or in modeling complex systems where outcomes are not always certain.

In this article, we will explore different ways to generate random boolean values using the random and secrets modules in Python. We will cover the basics of generating random boolean values and then dive into more advanced techniques, such as generating random boolean values with different degrees of probability for each value.

By the end of this article, you will have the knowledge and tools to generate random boolean values in Python for your specific needs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer looking to expand your Python skills, this article will provide you with valuable insights and techniques that you can use in your projects.

So let’s get started and learn how to get a random boolean with Python!

Generating Random Booleans in Python with the random Module

Because this is all very straightforward stuff, let’s jump directly into the juice!

Using random.getrandbits()

The random.getrandbits() method in Python generates a specified number of random bits, which can then be used to generate a random boolean. The method takes an integer argument that specifies the number of bits to generate.

To generate a random boolean using random.getrandbits(), you can generate a 1-bit integer value using the method, and then convert the integer value to a boolean value using the bool() function.

Here is an example code snippet to generate a random boolean using random.getrandbits():

import random

# Generating a random 1-bit integer value using random.getrandbits() method
random_bit = random.getrandbits(1)
# Converting the integer value to a boolean value
random_boolean = bool(random_bit)print(random_boolean)

Using random.choice()

The random.choice() method in Python is used to generate a random element from a given sequence, such as a list or a tuple. In the context of generating random booleans, you can use random.choice() to randomly select between True and False.

Here is an example code snippet to generate a random boolean using random.choice():

import random

# Generating a random boolean value using random.choice() method
random_boolean = random.choice([True, False])

using random.randint()

The random.randint(a, b) method in Python generates a random integer value between a and b, inclusive. To use this method to generate a random boolean, you can set a to 0 and b to 1, which will generate an integer value of either 0 or 1. Then, you can convert this integer value to a boolean value using the bool() function.

Here is an example code snippet to generate a random boolean using random.randint():

import random

# Generating a random integer value in the range [0, 1] using random.randint() method
random_integer = random.randint(0, 1)

# Converting the integer value to a boolean value
random_boolean = bool(random_integer)


This method is less efficient than the other methods described in the article, but it is still a valid way to generate random booleans in Python.

Generating Random Booleans in Python with the secrets Module

In cryptography, a cryptographically secure algorithm is one that is designed to be practically impossible to break. This means that even if an attacker has access to the algorithm and its inputs, they should not be able to derive the output or any sensitive information from the output.

The secrets module is designed to generate cryptographically secure random numbers, which are suitable for generating random values that need to be unpredictable and secure. The random module, on the other hand, generates pseudo-random numbers that are not suitable for cryptographic purposes. If you need to generate random values for security-related applications, such as password generation or encryption, then you should use the secrets module. If security is not a concern, then the random module is generally faster and more efficient for generating random values.

Here is an example code snippet to generate a random boolean using secrets.choice():

import secrets

# Generating a random boolean value using secrets.choice() method
random_boolean = secrets.choice([True, False])


By using the secrets module, you can be confident that the random values you generate are secure and unpredictable. However, it is important to note that generating cryptographically secure random values can be slower and less efficient than generating non-secure random values using the random module. If you do not require high levels of security for your random values, it is generally safe to use the random module instead of the secrets module.

Generate Random Booleans with Different Degrees of Probabilities for Each Value

So far, we have explored different ways to generate random boolean values with a 50% chance for each value. However, sometimes we may want other options, like a 75% chance of getting True.

Let’s explore now how to generate random boolean values with different degrees of probabilities for each value using the random module in Python:

import random

# Generating a random float value between 0 and 1 using random.random() method
random_float = random.random()

# Setting the probability of a True boolean value to 0.75
true_probability = 0.75

# Generating a random boolean value with a 75% chance of being True
random_boolean = random_float < true_probability


The code above generates a random boolean value with a 75% chance of being True. It does this by generating a random float value between 0 and 1 using random.random() method. Then, it sets the probability of a True boolean value to 0.75. Finally, it generates a random boolean value with a 75% chance of being True by comparing the random float value to the true probability value using the less than operator. If the random float value is less than the true probability value, the generated boolean value will be True. Otherwise, the generated boolean value will be False.

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