Grok 2 — How to Use for FREE

Grok 2 for both text and image generation

Published on

Grok 2 was just released.

It is fun to use and quite different from the other major LLMs like ChatGPT, Claude, and Llama.

How to use Grok 2 for free

In order to use Grok 2 for free, you need to decide if you are using it to generate text or to generate images.

Use Grok 2 to generate text for free

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: At the top of the page, click on "Arena (side-by-side)"

Step 3: Scroll down to where it says, "Choose two models to compare". Click on the drop-down menu and choose the model "Sus Column R"

"Sus Column R" is the secret name for Grok 2!

Step 4: Scroll down to where it says, "Enter your Prompt and press Enter"

That's it!

The response will be from Grok 2, and it will be 100% free!

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Use Grok 2 to generate images for free

**Note: **Using Grok 2 to generate images is a lot more fun than Dall-e 3 or Midjourney because it is uncensored. It will let you generate pretty much any image you want!

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on the blue button that says, "Start creating with Flux.1"

Step 3: You'll be asked to sign up (No credit card!) Just sign in with a free Google account. It is very easy!

Step 4: Enter your prompt into the prompt box. This will generate the image!

That's it!

This is the same image generator that is powering Grok 2.

Again, these images are uncensored. So you can generate whatever you want.

Here is an image I generated of "A close-up of Donald Trump"

Close-up of Donald Trump --- Grok 2 --- AI Generated --- by Andrew Best

The point of showing this image is that there is no way that ChatGPT or Midjourney will let you create this image.

They won't make any images of real people.

I played around with this image generator and it is fun. It will let you create whatever you want (within reason).

I haven't been denied yet.

Some of the images are too risque to even post on here.

Try it yourself and let me know what you think.

By the way,

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