Importance of College Essays in a Student Life

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The American higher education system is well known for its strong humanitarian base and practical approach to learning. Universities from over the world try to adopt the best of this system. Essays are one of the key components of education in the USA. What is an essay? This is a short text devoted to some important and socially significant problems. Students get the task of using their own judgments, assessing the processes taking place in society.

It is noteworthy that anything can be the subject of the essay: from the peculiarities of the development of jellyfish to the reasons for the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. An important distinctive feature of the essay is the enlargement of any topic to the level of general public significance, as well as a bright and well-reasoned author’s position.

Of course, you can pay someone to write your essay cheap and fast. But when writing such a work, a student not only memorizes facts but also comprehends the information received, learns to critically evaluate it, and uses it in practice. So, it’s better to try to do it yourself first.

For this reason, a good, high-quality essay should include the following points: - A well-founded introduction. Usually, it formulates the main thought of the work. Its social significance is indicated. Authors have to confirm their opinion with information from reliable and trustworthy sources. For example, you can use the work of scientists or insert links to reliable documents. Of course, for the data to be reliable, it is necessary to verify it. The essay is written on the basis of this data. You should take it as a pattern and come to your own conclusions and results.

  • The main body of the essay is consistent and logical reasoning of students themselves on this topic. They have to confirm their opinion with examples from their life. It should look as appropriate and demonstrative as possible.
  • Emotional coverage of the issue is encouraged. The final thought should make a reader think about the problem indicated in the essay more deeply.
  • As a rule, the volume of work is one or two printed sheets. It takes from several hours to several days to write it. Everything depends on the complexity of the chosen topic. Sometimes, in order to write a great essay, you will need to find a lot of information, study additional sources and facts, compare everything, and write your opinion on this matter.

Why Write Essays

Students often don't know how to write an essay. Actually, it is not difficult to find a sample of this type of work and students often use it. But why write it in general? There is also an answer to this question.

Well, it develops creative thinking and writing skills. Students learn to identify cause-and- effect connections, generalize information, define what they want to express on paper, prove their point of view, reinforcing it with different examples, and summarize everything. As a rule, essays touch philosophical, intellectual, and moral-ethical issues.

College teachers are increasingly talking about the need to instill in students the ability to practically use the knowledge gained in lectures and from textbooks. This ability is precisely tested when writing an essay. Students’ ability to express their thoughts in writing is assessed when they give reasoned arguments.

From most other types of student work, the essay is fundamentally different in that it provides authors with the opportunity to fully substantiate their views on the world around them, and formulate beliefs. After all, until you learn to reason and express certain thoughts on paper, you will not be able to come to interesting and unexpected conclusions.

Distinctive Features of Essay

What are the main points that define the essay?

  • Small volume. It typically has up to 3 pages of printed text. However, different colleges may have their requirements for this. In some colleges, an essay is a great written work of 10 pages, in others — teachers ask for a summary on two sheets.
  • Specificity. An essay usually considers in detail one specific question. It is often specified in the topic of the assignment. The answer is usually subjective and gives the writer’s conclusions. Depending on the topic of the essay, it is sometimes necessary to look at the problem from all sides.
  • Free writing. The essay features associative storytelling. Students just study logical connections and give their assessment of the question. Let us remind you that your inner world and thoughts should be revealed in the essay.
  • Systematics of the theses and statements of the writer. Even if writers have a contradictory nature, they have to explain why they can’t choose only one point of view, without losing the thread of the narrative. After all, the final version of the essay will be read not only by students themselves but also by teachers.

Usually, a student can immediately find a specific topic to essay questions. As you might guess, in an essay, you have to write your thoughts directly and frankly. First of all, the writing of this kind of academic paper presupposes that students will present exactly their personal point of view on a particular issue.

Such a genre of writing essays is not something new. It has existed for a long time and became popular for one simple reason — it developed the ability to analyze. There are some peculiarities of preparing an essay. They consist of parts that are imperative to adhere to. It is the introduction, main part, and conclusion. Thus, it will be much easier for the teacher to study the written essay. And also, students must logically end their essays with a generalization of the topic. Still, if you have difficulties with it, you can always turn to AffordablePapers for getting online service.

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