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What Programming Languages Work Best for Games and Game Development?

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Gaming has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in recent years, thanks in part to improved access to content through smartphones and tablets and the fact that there is much more choice for players today.

For example, casinos have significantly widened their offering by creating thousands of themed slot games that cater to every taste and a greater selection of table game variants to create new challenges. This has been helped further by casinos giving bonuses to new players, creating more incentives for them to sign up.

There are also many more casual games on the market than just a decade ago, and access to AAA titles has been improved by streaming services like Google Stadia.

But to create all of these new games, teams of programmers need to spend months or even years toiling away at their keyboards to write the code necessary for them to work.

There are, of course, many programming languages that you can use to write video games, though some work better than others. Let's take a look.


C++ is by far the most common language that programmers start with, yet it isn't overly common among game developers. That's not to say it isn't used in gaming. Instead, C++ is more commonly found in game engines that provide the frameworks for those who create the games themselves.


JavaScript is more than 10 years younger than C++, having been first developed in 1994. However, its current version only dates back to 2008 when Google was working on the modern Chrome browser.

It's an easy language to learn, has a lot of support from the community, and integrates perfectly with HTML5, the web's standard markup language. This makes it great for developing browser-based games that can run on just about any platform.

JavaScript is incredibly versatile, which is why it's used for more than just games. Popular titles that were written using Javascript include Angry Birds, Bejeweled, and Gods Will Be Watching.


This language, despite having a similar name to JavaScript, is completely separate. The concept is that it can be run on just about any machine, removing the need to translate applications for different types of hardware.

Of course, this comes with drawbacks, but this hasn't stopped Minecraft, Runescape, or Saints Row 2 from enjoying success.

Small Java games were all the rage in the era before smartphones, because they could be installed on just about any device without concerns for compatibility.The language is still popular today.

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