Software Development

Custom Dropdown Element with React & TypeScript

A guide on how to create a simple React dropdown component using TypeScript.


Build a Sudoku Solver App With JavaScript

A JavaScript app to solve sudoku puzzles using backtracking


Build Your Own Search Engine Using Python

Part 2: Build a front-end visualization for your search engine


4 Steps To Connect AWS Servers Using SSH Without Key Pairs

Servers on AWS provide certain levels of security for users. That’s great. But too many security concerns may cause your daily operations less convenient. A good example is that you need to provide…


Calculate Annualized Expected Stock Returns Using Python

How I calculated the average annual expected returns of stocks using Python


5 Effective Ways Software Developers Can Boost Their Productivity


Animating SVGs as React Components

Learn how to edit your favorite SVG in Figma and render it as a React component, to animate it using CSS.


Clustering Textual Data with Word2Vec

End-to-end guide to semantic cluster analysis with Word2Vec


Error: Reanimated 2 failed to create a worklet — Maybe You Forgot to Add Reanimated’s babel Plugin?

If you ever chance upon this error, fret not. Pop over to babel.config.js, simply add 'react-native-reanimated/plugin' under “plugins” in'module.exports' (The above is a basic example to recreate the…


Assign IAM role to EC2 instance with AWS CLI
