Drawing with Code: Using PyAutoCAD to Automate AutoCAD in Python

How to Use Python and PyAutoCAD to Create Custom AutoCAD Drawings

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AutoCAD logo. Source

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software application used for creating and editing 2D and 3D drawings, models, and designs. It was first released in 1982 by Autodesk, and it has since become one of the most popular CAD software applications in the world.

PyAutoCAD is a Python library that provides a way to interact with AutoCAD software through Python. It allows Python developers to automate tasks and create scripts to work with AutoCAD. The official documentation is here.

pip install pyautocad

In order to use AutoCAD with PyAutoCAD, you must of course have licensed AutoCAD software. It should also be noted that LT versions do not support the use of PyAutoCAD.

AutoCAD needs to be running in the background. So run AutoCAD before sending any commands.

import pyautocad
acad = pyautocad.Autocad()

acad is an instance of the AutoCAD application. This instance is used to interact with the software using Python code.

# Draw a line
x1 = 0
y1 = 10
x2 = 10
y2 = 10
p1 = pyautocad.APoint(x1,y1)
p2 = pyautocad.APoint(x2,y2)
line = acad.model.AddLine(p1,p2)

A line (Image by the author):

A line

APoint() method creates a new AutoCAD point object with the specified x and y coordinates.

AddLine() method creates a new line object taking two point objects.

# clear space
x = acad.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace
for object in x:

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In AutoCAD, the ModelSpace object represents the drawing space where objects are placed and arranged. The ActiveDocument property is a reference to the current AutoCAD document, and the ModelSpace property is a reference to the ModelSpaceobject in that document. We can iterate through the objects in the space and remove them to clean the document.

# add text
p = pyautocad.APoint(x1, y1)
text = "Hello World"
acad.model.AddText(u'{}'.format(text), p, 2.5)

Text (Image by the author):


AddText() method adds a text object. The first parameter is the string of the text. The second parameter defines the insertion point of the text object in the drawing. And the third parameter is the height of the text object.

# save file
path = "drawing.dwg"
doc = acad.ActiveDocument

SaveAs() method saves the drawing file in .dwg format.

PyAutoCAD can be used for a wide range of applications, including architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing, as well as for creating custom tools and workflows in AutoCAD. It can also be used in combination with other Python libraries such as NumPy and pandas for data analysis and visualization.

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