Top 10+ Final Year Projects For Computer Science Engineering with Free Source Code

Top Computer Science engineering projects and ideas for student’s research and development.

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Looking for final year Projects For Computer Science Engineering? We’ve got you.

In this article, I will provide a list of a variety of Computer Science Engineering Projects and ideas for student’s research and development.

It includes the latest innovative final-year project topics for CSE and other related computer science and engineering courses.

Top Final Year Projects for Computer Science Engineering with Free Source Code

The following are the list of Top Final Year Projects for Computer Science Engineering with Free Source Code.

The majority of these projects have been meticulously researched and compiled to simplify the process for students of Computer Science Engineering or related fields to select their preferred final-year computer engineering project topics.

1. Student Management System Project In Django With Source Code

A Student Management System Project in Django has 3 User Interfaces, The Admin Side, can see overall summary charts of students’ performance, staff performances, courses, subjects, leave, etc.

2. Billing System In PHP With Source Code

The Billing System is a simple system developed PHP MySQL database, Using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax, J Query, and Modal.

This Billing System Project In PHP contains an admin side where the Admin can manage all the billing activities and client information.

3. Loan Management System Project In PHP With Source Code

A Loan Management System Project In PHP is a digital platform that helps automate every step of the loan process, from application to closing.

  • Login Page — The page where loan management system users will submit their system credentials to access the features of the system and manage the data.
  • Home Page — The page where the users will be redirected by default after logging into the loan management system. This page displays a summary of calculations of some data of the system.
  • Loan Types Page — The page where the admin or staff of the system will manage the list of loan types or categories.
  • Loan Plans Page — The page where an admin or staff will manage the plans of the loan their company offers.
  • Borrowers Page — The page where all borrowers are listed and can be managed by the system users.
  • Loans Page — The page where all list of loans are listed, including the loan applications. This is the page where the system user will manage the borrower’s loan data.
  • Payment Page — The page where all payments are listed and can be managed.
  • Users Page — The page where all loan management system users are listed and can be managed.

4. College Management System Project in Django with Source Code

This College Management System Project in Django can manage the attendance, manage classes, manage a department, manage courses, time table, manage students’ attendance, manage teachers, manage users, and manage marks.

5. Attendance Management System Django With Source Code

The Attendance Management System Django was built using the Python Django framework.

It is designed for interactions between students and teachers. Features include attendance, marks, and timetable.

6. Hostel Management System Project In PHP With Source Code

A Hostel Management System Project In PHP MySQL is easy to operate and understand by users.

The design of Hostel Management System In PHP and MySQL is pretty simple and the user won’t find it difficult to understand, use, and navigate.

In this Project, Documentation has significant features of the admin facet of this method that has the potential to verify the booking, area reservation, and cancellation of transactions.

7. Bus Reservation System Project in Django with Source Code

Bus Reservation System Project in Python Django is a fairly simple system written in Django, SQLLite3, and Python that is intended to automate the purchase of online tickets through an easy online bus booking system.

You can manage/book reservations, client info, and passenger lists with the bus ticket reservation system’s Django admin, and book tickets easily via the Bus reservation Website.

8. Online Voting System Project In PHP With Source Code

An Online Voting System Project In PHP Documentation as a web development option is secure, fast, and reliable and offers lots more advantages to make it accessible to people.

The main purpose of the Voting System Project In PHP is to count the vote, the voting system has an admin and user, the admin can control and manage the user, and the user is represented as a voter.

9. Library Management System Project In Django With Source Code

A Library Management System in Django runs Django Framework in the back-end and HTML, and CSS in the front-end.

The project contains all the features of library management like login, interactive UI, issuing books to students, managing books, and adding books to the library.

10. Online Job Portal Project in Python Django with Source Code

An Online Job Portal Project in Django is a plan for an online career site. This online web application is to be conceived as a dynamic platform in its current form, requiring continuous changes from both the seekers and the businesses.

The purpose of the project is to encourage job seekers to position their resumes and find appropriate jobs while companies publish their vacancies and find good candidates.

11. Online Food Ordering System using Django with Source Code

This Online Food Ordering System using Django and Python Framework has an admin side and customer side where Admin can manage sales, products, categories, and food orders.

Admin Features

Online Food Ordering System using Django with Source Code Features for the Admin Side.

  • Dashboard — For the admin dashboard, you will be able to access all the basics of the whole system, such as cart items orders, items, users, and categories.
  • Manage Items– The admin has access to the item management information system. He can add, update, and delete the items.
  • Manage Orders — As the main function of the admin, the admin can reject or accept from the customers on a case-to-case basis.
  • Manage Categories — For the categories, the admin has the features of managing the category. The example category used in this system is best-selling foods, spicy, and new foods.
  • Manage Users — The admin can manage the user’s account. Admin can add, update, and delete users in the system.
  • Login and Logout — By default one of the security features of this system is the secure login and logout system.

12. Employee Record Management System Project In PHP with Source Code

The Employee Record Management System Project in PHP Source Code is software used by businesses to combine a number of necessary HR functions.

Such as storing employee data, managing payrolls, recruitment processes, benefits administration, and keeping track of attendance records.

13. Online Hospital Management System in PHP projects with source code

A Hospital Management System Project In PHP is a part of health informatics that is mostly concerned with how hospitals run.

This Hospital Management System In PHP is able to register a patient for the hospital.
It can store their disease details in the database. Any of the staff members, doctor & admin is able to add, view, edit, update, or delete data.

14. Online Blood Bank Management System in PHP with Source Code

This Blood Bank System Project in PHP is a simple project created using PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and CSS the Blood Bank Framework In PHP.

This project offers a convenient way for blood donors and people who need blood to connect with each other.

The admin section and the user section are included.


So, those are top Final Year Projects For Computer Science Engineering with Free Source Code that gives you an idea on what project you are to make.

It is really useful to students or professionals who want to learn web development using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL Server.

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