Top 11 Python Tkinter Projects and Ideas with Free Source Code [2024]

Python Tkinter projects and ideas, complete with source code.

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Are you having trouble finding Python Tkinter projects?

Here, I’m going to share with you a list of Python Tkinter projects and ideas, complete with source code.

By the way, you can get the source code for free. This is a great way to practice and learn Python Tkinter.

11 Python Tkinter Projects and Ideas for Beginners to Advanced

Check out the following collection of Python Tkinter and tutorials for free.

1. Hospital Management System Project In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

The Hospital Management System Project in Python using Tkinter was developed using Python Programming and SQLite3 as the system’s back-end.

A Hospital Management System Project in Python is a basic Tkinter-based GUI-based desktop application that is user-friendly and simple to learn.

This Hospital Management System in Python project just has an admin side, and the admin can only gain authorization.

He or she can readily enter data into the system, as well as search, update, and delete information.

You can download the complete source code here:

Hospital Management System Project In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

In addition to that, you can find the complete diagrams below:

2. Complaint Management System Project in Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

The Complaint Management System is using a Tkinter graphical user interface(GUI), is a simple desktop application and the database used in this system is Sqlite3.

The complaint Management System is created using Python programming language.

The Complaint Management System project file contains python scripts(,, and sqlite database.

You can download the complete source code here:

Complaint Management System Project in Python Source Code

3. Registration Form Using Tkinter In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

The Registration Form in Python using Tkinter is designed in Python programming language and MySQL Database.

Here, I will teach you how to create a registration form in Python and also I will teach you how to design (GUI) or Graphical User Interface for how to make a registration form in Python using Tkinter.

Tkinter is a Python library for developing GUI (Graphical User Interfaces).

We use the Tkinter library for creating an application of UI (User Interface), to create Windows and all other graphical user interfaces.

You can download the complete source code here:

Registration Form Using Tkinter In Python With Source Code

4. Scientific Calculator In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

This 2022 Scientific Calculator in Python was developed in Python Programming Language using Tkinter Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design.

This Calculator in Python is a simple project that’s good for the students or the beginners who wants to learn programming especially python.

Calculator for Scientific Work Python is a basic project that was created with Python.

A python script ( is included in the project file.

This is a straightforward GUI-based project that is simple to grasp and utilize.

In addition, this project provides a simple approach for the user to learn how to execute numerical calculations.

Like a regular calculator, the project includes numbers, operators, and signs.

As a result, the user can enter any number or simply click on the numbers in the calculations that they want.

As a result, the user can use this application as a simple calculator.

You can download the complete source code here:

Scientific Calculator In Python With Source Code

5. Color Game Using Tkinter In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

This Color Game Using TKinter In Python is a GUI based which displays random color text and you have to identify its color.

A Color Game in Python is designed for guessing random word color. Here, you have to type the color of the words, not the word text.

You have 30 seconds to guess as much as word color you can, and you will get score if the guess is right.

This project is an interesting and simple project.

You can download the complete source code here:

Color Game Using Tkinter In Python With Source Code

6. Stickman Game in Python Using Tkinter with Source Code

The Stickman Game in Python is created using Tkinter and a graphical user interface.

The Stickman Game is developed in Python programming language and it is a desktop application.

This stickman game project contains a Python script( and resource files.

The graphics of the game is excellent and the controls are easy for the users to use.

You can download the complete source code here:

Stickman Game in Python with Source Code

7. Courier Management System Project In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

The Courier Management System Project In Python created using Graphical User Interface (GUI) Tkinter and connected into database using SQLlite3.

This project is good for the beginners or the students who wants to learn programming, specially Python Programming Language.

A Courier Management System In Python has a create account form and login page, under the creating account module includes such as username, password, reg. no, gender, mobile number and email id. and after the user create their account, the user can login now to the system and monitor their items.

You can download the complete source code here:

Courier Management System Project In Python With Source Code

8. Student Feedback System Project In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

A Student Feedback System In Python Using Tkinter design is so simple that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python and on your PC.

This is a simple application system application for beginners.

Talking about the application, the user just has to enter his/her name, email id and leave comments regarding their services.

This is a simple GUI application, that does not create an external file or uses external files as a database to store the data permanently.

You can download the complete source code here:

Student Feedback System Project In Python With Source Code

9. College Management System in Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

The College Management System in Python is developed in Python programming language and it is a desktop application.

This system is created using a tkinter and graphical user interface.

The College Management System has an SQLite3 database and is free to download the open source code.

You can download the complete source code here:

College Management System in Python With Source Code

10. Shop Management System In Python Using Tkinter With Source Code

The Shop Management System In Python is created using Graphical User Interface (GUI), the GUI of this project is a user friendly design and easy to understand and easy to manage the system by the user.

A Shop Management System Python is good for the beginners or the students who wants to learn python programming language.

This GUI Application main Aim is to showing the python Tkinter GUI module uses,that how GUI code is working ,how a Frame/Label/Entry/Color……etc is working.

You can download the complete source code here:

Shop Management System In Python With Source Code

11. Rock Paper Scissors Code in Python Using Tkinter with Source Code

A Rock Paper Scissors Code in Python is designed using Tkinter and a graphical user interface(GUI).

Rock Paper Scissor Game in Python is a simple desktop application developed using Python Programming Language.

The project system file contains resource files and a Python script.

The gameplay Graphics is smooth and the controls are easy for the users.

You can download the complete source code here:

Rock Paper Scissors Code in Python with Source Code

If you want additional Python projects, you can check them out here:

Best Python Projects With Source Code Archives


The list of top Python Tkinter projects and ideas, complete with free source code, provides a great opportunity for developers to learn, experiment, and enhance their skills.

These projects cover a wide range of applications and demonstrate the versatility and power of Python and Tkinter.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or an experienced developer seeking new challenges, these projects offer a valuable resource.

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