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Top 25 Django Projects with Free Source Code

Beginner-level Django project ideas with source code.

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Are you a beginner searching for Django projects that come with source code?

You’re in the right place! We have resources that can guide you in developing your own Django project.

Our Python Django projects are designed with beginners in mind.

They come with source code, which means you can download them, study the code, and modify it to fit your unique requirements.

Django projects with source code

25 Django Projects Ideas With Free Source Code for Beginners

Here are the list of Top Django Projects ideas with source code:

1. Hostel Management System Project in Python Django with Source Code

The system is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in front-end.

2. Attendance Management System Django With Source Code

This Django Attendance System contains the teacher side and the student side, the teacher can manage the attendance, and marks and can generate the reports of the students, and the students can view their attendance, marks, and the timetable of their class schedule.

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3. Bus Reservation System Project in Django with Source Code

This web development project Bus Reservation System Project in Python Django is a fairly simple system written in Django, SQLLite3, and Python Programming Language that is intended to automate the purchase of online tickets through an easy online bus booking system.

4. Student Management System Project In Django With Source Code

A Django Student Management System has 3 User Interfaces, the Admin Side, can see overall summary charts of students’ performance, staff performances, courses, subjects, leave, etc.

5. Online Job Portal Project in Python Django with Source Code

The Online Job Portal Project in Python Django is a web development project created using the Python Django Framework.

6. Music Streaming App Project in Django with Source Code

This Music Streaming App Using Django Framework It’s an advanced music streaming software that enables users to log into the system, users can add their albums and add their songs to the playlist.

7. Django Note Taking App With Source Code

A Django Notes App users should be able to see or modify other users’ posts (in case this application gets deployed on a web server), this Django Note app can be easily converted between a blog and a note-taking app.

8. Leave Management System Project Django With Source Code

A Django Leave Management System function, Student can send a leave application to any teacher. And Teacher can send leave application to any admin.

9. Learning Log App Project in Django with Source Code

This Learning Log is a Web Application that provides students or working staff with an integrated user interface to add learning logs.

10. Hospital Management System Project In Django With Source Code

A Hospital Management System In Django is a Multi-User Interface like Patient, Doctor, Receptionist and HR. And also this Hospital Management System can manage all the records inside the hospital in an easy way.

11. File Upload In Django With Source Code

A Django File Upload Form is just like any input from the user. For example — On Facebook, when you update your profile picture.

12. Blood Bank Management System Project in Django with Source Code

The Blood Bank Management System Project in Django is created using Python Django Framework. The system is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS and JavaScript in front-end.

13. Django Hotel Management System With Source Code

The Django Hotel Management System is developed using Python Django, HTML,CSS and JavaScript, This Hotel Booking App In Django is fully responsive website(for both mobile and larger screens) based on google material design.

14. Chat Application Using Django With Source Code

The Chat Application Using Django is developed using Python Django, HTML,CSS and JavaScript, This Chat App Django contains all the features of any chat app such as login, register functions and allows users to chat with anyone registered to the system.

15. Django Login And Registration With Source Code

The Django Login And Registration is developed using Python Django, HTML and CSS, This Django Login Example teach you on how to Create Login Page Django. This Login Django Tutorial includes a registration page and login page for the users.

16. Blog Application In Django With Source Code

The Blog Application In Django is developed using Python Django, HTML,CSS and JavaScript, This Django Blog Application is a complete blogging site for the users where users can add, edit and delete their blogs and share to everyone on the world.

17. Inventory Management System Project using Django with Source Code

The Inventory Management System Project using Django is created using Python Django Framework. The system is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS and JavaScript in front-end.

18. CRUD App In Django With Source Code

The CRUD App In Django is developed using Python Django, HTML and CSS, This Django CRUD Tutorial Example you can learn on how to Create, Read , Update and Delete data from the database.

19. Voting System Project using Django with Source Code

The Voting System Project using Django is created using Python Django Framework. The system is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS in front-end.

20. School Management System Project In Django With Source Code

The School Management System Project In Django is developed using Python Django, This School Management System Django is a Django and sqlite3 based application which provides features such as registering students to the database, monitoring their attendance, their results as well as their related information.

21. E-Commerce Website using Django with Source Code

A E-Commerce Website using Django is based on a basic shopping site where client can purchase all the items and perform a checkout for their order.

22. Quiz App Project using Django Framework with Source Code

A Quiz App Project using Django Framework It has similar characteristics to any quiz app where the home screen has a list of quiz questions and all questions are answered by the user.

23. URL Shortener Project using Django with Source Code

This URL Shortener Project using Django can perform all the tasks such as customizing the shortened URL code to your desired code or programming it to create random slugs for the shortened URL.

24. Online Food Ordering System using Django with Source Code

This Online Food Ordering System using Django and Python Framework has an admin side and customer side where Admin can manage sales, products, categories, and food orders.

25. Library Management System Project In Django With Source Code

A Library Management System In Django runs Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS in the front-end.

The project contains all the features of a library management like login, interactive UI, issue books, Manage books, Add books to the library.

26. College Management System Project in Django with Source Code

This Python Django College Management System can manage the attendance, manage classes, manage a department, manage courses, manage students, manage teachers, manage users, and can manage marks.

📌If you want more Django Projects and ideas with source code, click the link below:

Django Projects Archives


These are the list of the Top 25 Django Projects ideas with Free Source Code

These projects not only help you understand how Django works but also give you practical experience in developing web applications using this powerful framework.

So, whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, our resources are designed to enhance your skills and confidence in Django development.

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