Angular 17 — Master Conditional statements @if, @else, @switch, @for

Angular 17, a powerful front-end framework, introduces intuitive template control flow blocks that simplify the way developers handle conditional rendering and iterative tasks. In this post, we’ll dive into three essential blocks: @if, @else, and @for.


Similar to JavaScript’s if statement, Angular’s @if control flow block allows developers to conditionally display parts of a template. Consider the following example in a user-controls.component.ts file:

  standalone: true,
  selector: ''user-controls'',
  template: `
    @if (isAdmin) {
      <button>Erase database</button>
export class UserControls {
  isAdmin = true;

In this instance, the <button> element will only be rendered if the isAdmin property is true. This provides a clean and concise way to manage conditional rendering within templates.


While @if is handy for straightforward conditions, there are situations where providing a fallback is beneficial. This is where the @else block comes into play. In the same user-controls.component.ts file:

  standalone: true,
  selector: ''user-controls'',
  template: `
    @if (isAdmin) {
      <button>Erase database</button>
    } @else {
      <p>You are not authorized.</p>
export class UserControls {
  isAdmin = true;

Now, if isAdmin is false, Angular will render the <p> element, providing a clear message to users that they are not authorized.


Handling lists of items is a common task in web development. Angular’s @for block simplifies this process by allowing developers to iterate through a list and render repeated elements. Here’s an example in an ingredient-list.component.html file:

  @for (ingredient of ingredientList; track {
    <li>{{ ingredient.quantity }} - {{ }}</li>

  standalone: true,
  selector: ''ingredient-list'',
  templateUrl: ''./ingredient-list.component.html'',
export class IngredientList {
  ingredientList = [
    {name: ''noodles'', quantity: 1},
    {name: ''miso broth'', quantity: 1},
    {name: ''egg'', quantity: 2},

Notice the track keyword, which is crucial for Angular to properly manage updates to the list and ensure accurate reflection in the UI.


In conclusion, Angular’s template control flow blocks — @if, @else, and @for — offer developers powerful tools for handling conditional rendering and list iteration. By understanding these blocks and their nuances, developers can create more dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

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