Top 10 JavaScript Frameworks to Watch in 2025
React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Next.js, and more - a comparison (based on use cases, pros and cons) of the best JavaScript frameworks for web development in 2025.
5 Essential JavaScript Libraries Every Developer Should Know for Working with PDFs
Discover the top JavaScript libraries for working with PDFs, including Apryse SDK, PDF.js, PDF-lib, PDFKit, React-PDF, Puppeteer, and Playwright.
How to Create a PDF Viewer Using Next.js
Learn to Build a Scalable and Reusable React-Based PDF Solution.
How to Generate Insights from PDF Files with Apryse and GPT
Raw Text Extraction alone isn’t enough For automating financial insights. You need to preserve tabular data.
5 Essential Features to Look for in a PDF Viewer Library
How to choose the right PDF viewer library for your application’s needs.
What's New in Node.js v23: Key Features and Updates
Node.js v23 is here! Released on October 16, 2024, this version introduces several exciting updates and enhancements. From enabling require(esm) by default to improved test runner capabilities, Node.js v23 is a significant milestone for developers. Let’s dive into what’s new and how it can impact your projects.
shadcn in React Native?
Tailwind CSS and shadcn aren't available in React Native - Here's what you can do instead.
How to Detect Scroll End with JavaScript?
Angular 19 New Features
An outline of possible features based on trends from previous versions of Angular and expectations for the next update.
How to Scrape Facebook Profile Data Using JavaScript and Puppeteer
A step-by-step guide to scraping Facebook public profile data using JavaScript, Puppeteer, and a headful browser with a built-in proxy network and block-bypassing mechanism.