React onChange with input field & button
React Infinite Scrolling and Lazy Loading
Infinite Scrolling — Infinite scrolling is a concept used by many sites to enhance user experience and performance. In infinite scrolling, the sites load with some data and as the user keeps on scrolling, more and more data gets loaded. This concept saves time since data is loaded in parts and enhance performance as all the components need not be rendered all at once.
React Hooks and the “Observer” Pattern
How to integrate the “Observer” pattern when using React Hooks
The Proper Way To Connect Redis and Node.js
Light and Dark Mode in React Web Application with Tailwind CSS
How to make a simple React web application using Tailwind CSS
Jest Spies and Mocks in Explained via Examples
Make your JavaScript tests deeper, leaner, and faster with these two Jest methods
JavaScript Frameworks for building Desktop Applications
Best JavaScript Frameworks that can be used to create desktop applications
JavaScript Algorithm: Distance Between Points
Create a function to calculate the distance between two points defined by their x and y coordinates.
It is really easy to convert local time to UTC in JavaScript
Do you feel the need for a library even for a small task like converting local Date to UTC format?
How to Use the Geolocation API in Your React App
Get the user's coordinates and use them in your next React app