Software Development

SQLAlchemy vs. Raw SQL Queries in Python: A Comparative Example

Explore the distinctions between SQLAlchemy queries and raw SQL queries through a comprehensive end-to-end example.


How to Deploy a Django Project on Google Cloud for Free: A Step-by-Step Tutorial


How to Implement Pub/Sub with Redis in Python and Its Advantages

A guide to implementing the Publish/Subscribe pattern with Redis in Python.


Software Development Trends in the Gambling Sector


Data Transfer Object in Django, DRF

A guide to implementing the Data Transfer Objects (DTO) Pattern in Django


Create a Shopping Cart Application with Python, Flask, and React

Understand how to connect a simple Flask backend in Python with a frontend in React.


F-Strings: A Powerful and Easy Way to Format Strings in Python

A to Z of F-Strings: Tricks and tips that you can use with f-strings to make your string formatting easier and more powerful


Effortless Exception Error Handling in FastAPI: A Clean and Simplified Approach

Implementing a middleware that displays the errors in a more concise and organized manner.


Managing API Keys and Secrets in Python Using the Dotenv Library: A Beginner’s Guide

A guide to using the library python-dotenv for managing API keys and secrets.


Factors to consider when researching React development companies
