Ivan Polovyi
How to Build a Docker Image Using AWS CodeBuild Locally
A tutorial on building a Docker image using AWS CodeBuild locally.
AWS SQS CLI commands with examples
The AWS SQS is the first service AWS offered to the public. It is a stable, robust, fast, and scalable service widely used in asynchronous systems. In this tutorial I will show with examples the AWC CLI commands to manipulate with SQS.
AWS Lambda Testing and Debugging using IntelliJ, AWS SAM, and Docker
AWS Lambda is very popular nowadays. It is easy to develop and deploy without any hassle with providing and maintaining infrastructure. But sometimes it is difficult to test and debug your Lambda code locally on a PC. Here I will show you how to configure your PC to be able to test and debug AWS Lambda.
AWS ECS Cluster using the EC2 Launch Type
The diagram below shows you what exactly I will create in this tutorial. I will create a cluster in one region spreading instances across three availability zones. All instances will be isolated…
How to Push a Docker Image to the AWS ECR
In this tutorial, I will show how to push an image to AWS. All the steps shown below were performed on Ubuntu 18 with Docker version 19.03.6 and AWS CLI version 2 installed.
Localstack Resource Creation on Initialization
This tutorial explains how to create the resources on the Localstack initialization.