10 Best React Notification Libraries in 2022

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React is a popular front-end development library. It has a complete and strong community, and it is recommended for every front-end developer to learn.

I have been working with React for many years and have used many React libraries that have helped me implement a lot of business functions. In this post, I'll introduce you to some great third-party libraries for React notifications to help you become a better React developer.

1. react-toastify

⭐ Github stars: 9.5k +

🎉 React-Toastify allows you to add notifications to your app with ease. No more nonsense!


GitHub - fkhadra/react-toastify

2. react-hot-toast

⭐ Github stars: 5.5k +

📚 Smoking hot notifications for React. Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default.


GitHub - timolins/react-hot-toast

3. notistack

⭐ Github stars: 3k +

🔥 Notistack is a notification library which makes it extremely easy to display notifications on your web apps. It is highly customizable and enables you to stack snackbars/toasts on top of one another.

GitHub - iamhosseindhv/notistack

4. react-notification-system

⭐ Github stars: 2.4k +

🍊 A complete and totally customizable component for notifications in React.


GitHub - igorprado/react-notification-system

5. react-toast-notifications

⭐ Github stars: 2.2k +

🍰 A configurable, composable, toast notification system for React.


GitHub - jossmac/react-toast-notifications

6. reapop

⭐ Github stars: 1.3k +

📮 A simple and customizable React notifications system.


GitHub - LouisBarranqueiro/reapop

7. react-notifications-component

⭐ Github stars: 1.2k +

🌈 A delightful, easy-to-use, and highly configurable component to help you notify your users out of the box. No messy setup, just beautiful notifications!


GitHub - teodosii/react-notifications-component

8. CogoToast

⭐ Github stars: 659+

🍨 Beautiful, Zero Configuration, Toast Messages for React ~4kb gzip (with styles and icons)


GitHub - Cogoport/cogo-toast

9. notiflix

⭐ Github stars: 382 +

🌲 Notiflix is a pure JavaScript library for client-side non-blocking notifications, popup boxes, loading indicators, and more that makes your web projects much better.


GitHub - notiflix/Notiflix

10. react-local-toast

⭐ Github stars: 113 +

🎩 Local toast helps you to provide feedback related to particular components on the page.


GitHub - OlegWock/react-local-toast

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