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7 Programming Books for Learning to Write Code Like a Pro

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Well-chosen programming books can be the first gateway to your career as a software engineer, web developer, or mobile app programmer.

Indeed, over the past decade, developers have become in-demand professionals. A report published on the Upskilled blog predicts that continuing the trend, there will be 16,000 jobs for software and app developers starting in 2023.

If you are tired of constantly turning to essay writing services because of a boring major, you can plunge into the interesting world of programming and discover new opportunities. For that reason, in this article, we list the top 7 books on programming, including some of the best coding books. That way you can start building your career as a developer faster.

1. "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" by Robert Cecil Martin

It's really one of the most popular programming books. It was published in 2007 by Robert Cecil Martin, one of the signatories of the now legendary manifesto that launched the agile methodology of software development. It is intended for beginners and programmers who already have some experience in programming projects.

Using examples of poorly written code, this great programming book will show you ways to write better programming code. In its three chapters, you will learn the principles of writing clean code and various case studies. Not only will this book teach you how to be a better programmer through practical programming examples, but it will also prepare you to work with effective agile methodologies.

2. "Unraveling HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript" by Istvan Novak

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are the three most commonly used programming languages by developers around the world. So if you're just starting in the world of web development, this beginner's programming book will teach you the basics of building websites.

Its author is Istvan Novak. The highlight of this programming book is that it starts with an explanation of basic terminology. It then goes into detail about the theory and practice of the three languages. In the end, it stops at advanced programming topics, such as linking to web design and APIs.

3. "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides

"Design Patterns" was co-authored by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Since its first edition, it has become one of the best-selling programming books, reaching half a million copies sold and translated into 14 languages.

In this book, the authors focus on explaining 23 design patterns in software development. It serves programmers and designers very well to develop software products in a more flexible, elegant, and quicker way. Because this is a book on reusable object-oriented programming, it also devotes two chapters to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of such software design theory.

4. "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch

As many developers know, Java is still one of the most widely used languages for creating software. In fact, Google uses it in products such as Google Docs and Netflix for the backend of several of its applications.

"Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch is one of the most popular books on software development in the language. The latest edition came out in 2017, updating the content for Java 9 and adding important information on topics such as functional interfaces, @SafeVargs annotation, and references to methods and threads. Without a doubt, this is one of the best books on Java programming.

5. "The pragmatic programmer" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas

This is one of the two or three most recommended programming books for any beginning developer. It was written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, published in 1999, and updated with a second edition in 2019.

This latest edition is a programming guide and reference for today's developers. The authors explain how to implement a practical and effective software development process. Not only do they provide tips for writing clean, agile code, but they also guide developing a career in software. Here's a list of some of the contributions of this programming book to get you started programming today:

  • Constantly test your code

  • Determine what the real requirements are for the code you need to write

  • Write dynamic code as often as possible

  • Use automation tools to make your code more efficient

  • Experiment with assumptions and exceptions in the proposed code

6. "Code: The hidden language of computer hardware and software" by Charles Petzold

"Code", published in 2000 by Charles Petzold, is one of the most sought-after books on programming. Unlike the aforementioned titles, the content of this book illustrates the world of computing and software from the stories that helped bring about the digital revolution.

It begins with technologies such as Morse code and Braille and then links them through a historical narrative to inventions such as the WWW, HTTP, and operating systems. With this book on programming hardware and software, you'll get a real sense of how these advances were created that enable digital communication and the development of the Internet today. So this book can inspire you to learn how to program today.

7. "Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual" by John Sonmez

Finally, to finish our recommendations for programming books, we present this book, published by John Sonmez in 2020. Unlike several previous editions, its content does not focus on programming languages, operating systems, or advice on how to write better code.

As the title suggests, it's a soft skills book for programmers. Its purpose is to teach you the soft skills you need to become a great software developer, which you won't learn simply by acquiring theoretical knowledge or going to university.

This programming book is for developers who want to advance their careers.


We hope this list of programming books meets your learning expectations. Remember, in addition to reading software development books, the most important thing is learning by creating your own projects and experimenting with different programming languages.

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