If you want to write a short function syntax there's no better way than the arrow function. In this article, we will go through one of the most popular ES6 features => Arrow Function. Let's start!
Let's explore the syntax and how it differs from the normal function syntax:
function helloWorld(){
console.log("Hello World"); // Hello World
As shown in the above example, this is the syntax for regular function we used to see, but the arrow functions came with a different syntax:
()=> console.log("Hello World"); //Hello World
Arrow functions came with the shortest and easiest way to write a function as shown , it's an anonymous function which means it can be unnamed function , it has a brackets to pass parameters directly and then what this function is going to return after arrow . It has an implicit return so no need to write a return keyword .
var incrementOne = [1,2,3,4,5].map(num => num +1) ;
console.log(incrementOne); // [2,3,4,5,6]
Here's a one line arrow function that is used to map over array and increment its element by one , as simple as that !
An arrow function could be a one line function with its parameters and return statement, it's short and easy!
One more benefit of Arrow function is the scope of “this” within an arrow function:
“this” could refers sometimes to the parent of the function which is “window” , so you need to bind this to this function's scope , but every “this” used within an arrow function will refer to this function's scope, not to the parent .
In ES5
var obj = {
id : 42 ,
timer: function timer() {
setTimeOut( function () {
obj.timer() ; // this will return window object
As shown when used a regular function , “this” within this function returns the parent of the function scope which is the window object, so you need to bind “this”.
In ES6
var obj = {
id : 42 ,
timer: function timer() {
setTimeOut(() => {
obj.timer() ; // this will return obj object where this scope and id defined within this scope.
They have shorter syntax than regular functions and could be one line function.
They could be anonymous and have implicit return statements.
"this" scope remains within the method declared in when arrow functions used as inner functions.
This is all you need to know about arrow functions, I hope you enjoyed reading this and learned something.
Don't just read about it, try it!
Happy learning!