Top 70+ Python Project Ideas Beginners to Expert with Free Source Code [2024]

Beginner and intermediate-level Python project ideas with source code.

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The Python projects ideas with source code are designed to help students learn how to create their own applications.

They’re suitable for beginners and those at an intermediate level.

Finding project ideas can be challenging, especially for beginners, but don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

We offer a variety of Python project ideas, complete with source code.

Apart from that, these can be downloaded and customized to fit your needs.

70+ Python Projects With Free Source Code for Beginners

The following is the list of Python projects with free source code:

  1. Medical Store Management System Project in Python
  2. YouTube Video Downloader Using Python
  3. Hotel Management System Project In Python
  4. Student Management System Project in Python
  5. Library Management System Project In Python and MySQL
  6. Billing System Project in Python Project
  7. Hospital Management System Project In Python Project
  8. Inventory Management System Project In Python
  9. Patient Information System in Python
  10. Random Module Password Generator in Python Projects
  11. Point Of Sale System In Python Project
  12. Restaurant Billing System Project in Python
  13. Jumbled Word Quiz Game in Python
  14. School Management System Project In Python
  15. Employee Payment Management System Project in Python
  16. Bank Management System Project in Python
  17. Student Record Management System Project in Python
  18. Login Page in Python with MySql Database
  19. CRUD Operations In Python
  20. Complaint Management System Project in Python
  21. How To Print Sum Of Two Numbers In Python
  22. How To Read CSV File In Python With Source Code
  23. Leave Management System Project in Python
  24. How To Read Data From Text File In Python
  25. Chatbot In Python Tutorial
  26. To Do List Project
  27. Notepad for Python
  28. Program For Calculator In Python
  29. ATM Program In Python
  30. Currency Converter In Python
  31. Registration Form In Python Using Tkinter
  32. Account Management System in Python
  33. Rock-Paper-Scissor Game in Python
  34. Alarm Clock Using Python
  35. Bouncing Ball Game in Python
  36. Snake Game In Python Code
  37. Hangman Game In Python
  38. Aircraft War Game in Python
  39. Mario Game In Python
  40. Stickman Game in Python
  41. Tank Game Python
  42. Tetris In Python Code
  43. Speed Typing Test Python Project
  44. Traffic Racer Game in Python
  45. Pacman In Python Code
  46. College Management System in Python
  47. Ticket Booking System In Python
  48. Address Book In Python
  49. Book Store Management System Using Python
  50. Flight Management System in Python project
  51. Real-Time Car Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  52. Barcode and QR Code Reader OpenCV Python With Source Code
  53. Blog Application In Django With Source Code
  54. Image Caption Generator with CNN & LSTM In Python With Source Code
  55. Real-Time Drowsiness Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  56. Real-Time Object Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  57. Real-Time Right Eye Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  58. Voting System Project using Django with Source Code
  59. School Management System Project In Django With Source Code
  60. E-Commerce Website using Django with Source Code
  61. Quiz App Project using Django Framework with Source Code
  62. Real-Time Face Mask Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  63. Traffic Signs Recognition Using CNN & Keras In Python With Source Code
  64. Cartoonify an Image OpenCV Python With Source Cod
  65. Handwritten Digit Recognition In Python With Source Code
  66. Real-Time Emotion Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  67. Real-Time Text Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  68. Real-Time Plate Number Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  69. Real-Time Counting People OpenCV Python With Source Code
  70. Real-Time Face Landmark Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  71. Real-Time Left Eye Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  72. Real-Time Smile Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  73. Real-Time Profile Face Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code
  74. Real-Time Hand Detection OpenCV Python With Source Code


So, those are the list of Python Project Ideas for beginners to experts along with free source code.

I hope these resources assist you in finding your project whether you’re a beginner or an expert.

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