Node.js Explained: A Beginner's Guide to Server-Side Javascript Runtime

A beginner's guide to Node.js

undefined Ryan Dahl unveiled Node.js in 2009, offering developers the ability to create applications for both the front-end and back-end using JavaScript.

In this article, we'll talk about Node.js. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding Node.js
  2. How Node.js is different from the browser
  3. How Much JavaScript Do You Need to Get Started with Node
  4. How to start with Node.js
  5. Why it's good to learn Node.js
  6. Recommended resources to aid your Node.js learning.
  7. Common challenges beginners might face and how to overcome them.

Understanding Node.js

Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform Javascript Runtime Environment - Node.js Dev Docs

While this answer seems clear and neat, But it might leave beginners with more questions. So, Let's simplify it and get a better understanding.

Node.js is open-source: This means that the source code for Node.js is available publicly. And It is maintained by the contributors globally.

Node.js is cross-platform: This means that the Node.js is OS-Flexible. It can work on Linux, macOS, or Windows.

Node.js is a Javascript Runtime: When you write Javascript code in your text editor. it won't do anything until you execute (or run) it. A runtime environment is required to run your code.

Browsers such as Chrome and Firefox have their own runtime environments, enabling them to execute JavaScript code. Before Node.js, JavaScript was limited to running in browsers and was mainly used for building front-end applications.

Node.js offers a runtime environment outside of the browser, and it relies on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. This allows you to create back-end applications using the same JavaScript language you might already know from front-end development.

How Node.js is different from the browser

Both the browser and Node.js are capable of executing JavaScript programs. But there are some key differences that you need to know. They include the following.

DOM Access

In a browser, you can work with something called the DOM. It's like a structure that represents the webpage. However, Node.js doesn't have access to the DOM.

In Node.js, you can do a lot more with your computer, which means You can talk to the operating system, handle files, and read/write files. But in a browser, you can't do these things.

Window vs Global object

JavaScript has a special global object. In browsers, it's called window and in Node.js, it's named global. The window object in browsers has things specific to browsers.

Control over runtime versions

With Node.js, you get to pick the version for your server-side application, ensuring you can use the latest JavaScript features smoothly. On the other hand, when it comes to browsers, you can't control which versions your users are using to access your app.

Adding Code: 'import' in Browsers, 'require' in Node.js

Node.js easily supports CommonJS and ES modules. You can use require for CommonJS and import for ES modules.

While some modern browsers handle ES modules with import, older browsers might need bundles for proper compatibility.

How Much JavaScript Do You Need to Get Started with Node?

If you're new to JavaScript, start with the basics first. Get a good grasp of fundamental concepts before moving on to building server-side applications with Node.js.

To know when you've learned enough JavaScript for Node.js, check out the Nodejs dev documentation. It provides a list of JavaScript topics to cover before diving deeper into Node.js.

Once you feel comfortable with the basics of JavaScript, you're all set to begin with Node.js

How to start with Node.js

Now, let's make your first Node.js app. This part will teach you how to run Node.js scripts using the command line.

To start, you'll need to download and install Node.js. If you're just starting, the best way is to get it from the official website.

You can find official packages on the website for all major platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Simply download and install the package that matches your system.

Once the installation is complete, you can check the version of Node.js by typing node --version in your terminal.

How to run Node.js from the command line

let's create a simple Hello World app:

  1. Create a new project folder, say my-project.
  2. Open the project in your code editor.
  3. Inside the folder, create a new file named app.js.

Add the following code to app.js.

This is JavaScript code, and you can run the script in the command line using the command node . In this instance, the file name is app.js. Execute the following command in your terminal to run the Hello World program:

node app.js

You'll see "Hello world." in your terminal.

Kudos! You've just run your first Node.js app.

Why it's good to learn Node.js

Consider learning Node.js for the following reasons:

JavaScript Everywhere:

Node.js lets you use JavaScript for both front-end and back-end development. It's great if you already work with JavaScript for the front-end, as transitioning to the server side becomes easier.

Easy to Learn and Use:

JavaScript developers find it easy to transition to Node.js since they are already familiar with the language. This ease of learning accelerates the development process.

Active and Supportive Community:

Node.js is open-source with a lively global community. You can find helpful tutorials and solutions whenever you face challenges.

Powered by Google's V8 Engine:

Built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js delivers high performance. This engine is known for powering applications like Gmail.

High Demand in the Job Market:

Major companies like Netflix, Uber, Paypal, and LinkedIn, as well as many startups, use Node.js. Learning it makes you a valuable asset in the job market.

Rich NPM Library:

Node.js comes with the NPM library, housing over a million reusable code packages. It's a treasure trove for developers, offering solutions to common tasks and problems.

Support for Microservices Architecture:

Node.js is well-suited for a microservices architecture, facilitating the development of modular, independent services that can be easily maintained and scaled.

Real-time Applications:

Node.js excels in real-time applications like chat applications, online gaming, and collaborative tools due to its ability to handle multiple simultaneous connections effectively.

In essence, learning Node.js opens doors and positions you well in the ever-evolving world of web development.

If you're eager to learn how to build Node.js applications, check out these recommended resources.

Common challenges beginners might face and how to overcome them

Finally, but equally important.

Don't stress if this looks confusing now. It'll make sense as you get to know it better

Beginners in Node.js might encounter various challenges on their learning journey. Here are some common hurdles and tips on overcoming them:

Asynchronous Programming:

Understanding asynchronous programming can be challenging for beginners. Practice using callbacks, Promises, and async/await. Break down complex tasks into smaller steps.

NPM Package Management:

Managing and understanding NPM packages might be overwhelming. Start with simple projects, gradually using more packages. Refer to documentation and tutorials.

Callback Hell:

Nesting callbacks can lead to callback hell and unreadable code. Use modularization, Promises, or async/await to flatten code structure.

Understanding Event Loop:

Grasping the event loop concept can be tricky. Read and watch tutorials on the event loop. Practice by building simple applications.

Error Handling:

Handling errors effectively is crucial but can be daunting. Implement proper error handling strategies. Familiarize yourself with try-catch blocks and error-first callbacks.

Choosing the Right Framework:

Selecting the right framework among options like Express, Koa, or Hapi. Research each framework's strengths and use cases. Start with Express for its popularity and extensive documentation. My strong recommendation is to utilize Express.

Deployment and Hosting:

Deploying and hosting Node.js applications can be confusing for beginners. Use platforms like Heroku or Netlify for straightforward deployment. Follow step-by-step guides.

Version Compatibility Issues:

Managing compatibility issues with different Node.js versions. Use version managers like nvm to switch between Node.js versions. Be aware of version-specific features.

Lack of Practice:

Theory without sufficient practice can hinder progress. Build small projects regularly. Join coding challenges or contribute to open-source projects for hands-on experience.

Overambitious Projects:

Undertaking overly complex projects can lead to frustration. Start with small, achievable projects. Gradually increase complexity as your understanding grows.


This post offers a glimpse into Node.js. For a thorough understanding, further exploration is needed. If Node.js was a puzzle for you, I hope this article helped unravel it.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Coding Buddy!

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