Chatting with Your Documents in the CLI with Ollama and LlamaIndex
Explore the chat options that llamaindex offers with a Python script, as well as the llamaindex-cli rag build-in option that uses only Chromadb.
AWS SQS CLI commands with examples
The AWS SQS is the first service AWS offered to the public. It is a stable, robust, fast, and scalable service widely used in asynchronous systems. In this tutorial I will show with examples the AWC CLI commands to manipulate with SQS.
Configure Nginx Web Server using AWS EC2 User Data
How to create an Amazon EC2 instance with an Nginx web server — all while using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to launch it.
AWS CLI Commands Cheatsheet
All the generic AWS CLI Commands you need to know — MacOS Specific
AWS S3 CLI Cheatsheet
All the S3 CLI high-level commands you need to know — MacOS Specific