Michael Chang
Connecting React with LocalStorage
A Guide to Creating a LocalStorage React Hook
Creating an HTML5 Integer Input
When the HTML5 Number Input Is Not Enough
How I dealt with over 30,000 ESLint errors
ESLint — Migrating to a Comprehensive Configuration
ESLint — A Proofreader for your Code
A practical guide to setting up and using ESLint
Dealing with Code Splitting Network Failures
Reloading code split chunks to attempt to recover from network failures.
A Guide to React Lazy Loading
A Guide to Code Splitting for React Components
A Guide to Asynchronous Array Iterator Functions
For Map, Reduce, Filter, Every, and Some
Testing React Hooks
A guide to using React Hooks Testing Library
React Fast Refresh — The New React Hot Reloader
A Comprehensive Guide to Using React Fast Refresh
Improving Webpack Developer Experience
With Create React App's React Developer Utilities
Storybook Snapshot Testing
Automatic Jest Snapshot Testing with Storybook Stories
A Guide to Documenting Controlled Components with Storybook
A Guide to Managing External Storybook State
React 17: New JSX Transform
A guide to integrating the new JSX Transform
How To Create Horizontal + Vertical Scroll Shadows
In Pure CSS or with CSS + JavaScript
5 Tips to Perfect React Testing Library Queries
My strategy to retrieve any element with the Testing Library API
Simulate Browser Interactions with Testing Library's UserEvent
A guide to Testing Library's UserEvent API
Storybook Is Your New UI Component Explorer
A single tool to develop, demonstrate, and document your UI components
Stylelint — The CSS Cousin of ESLint
Proofreading CSS for quality and consistency
Prettier — The Formatting Big Brother of ESLint
Empowering developers through Prettier's automatic code formatting
The Advanced Way to Style with Styled Components
A more in-depth look at the power of styled-components
The Modern Way to Style with Styled Components
An in-depth look at the power of Styled Components
Interaction Testing with React Testing Library
A window into React component testing