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How to Build Your Own Login and Registration System in Django

Django comes with the necessary features to set up a complete user authentication system. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the most critical components of a user authentication system in Django, namely…


Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

Django comes with the necessary features to set up a complete user authentication system. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the most critical components of a user authentication system in Django, namely:

  • Registration
  • Login
  • Logout By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to
  • Create a Django project where users can register, login, and logout.
  • Create forms in Django
  • Redirect users after successful login or logout


This tutorial assumes you have a good knowledge of Django and you have Python3 installed in your operating system.

Create a Django Project

It is recommended to set up a virtual environment to ensure that project dependecies are isolated from system packages . Virtual environments also makes it easier to install the correct versions of modules. Start by creating a directory to house your project files.

mkdir Django_Login

cd to the directory you have created above start by creating a virtual environment with the python venv module.

cd Django_Login
python -m venv my_env

The [_venv_]( module provides support for creating lightweight “virtual environments” with their own site directories, optionally isolated from system site directories. Each virtual environment has its own Python binary (which matches the version of the binary that was used to create this environment) and can have its own independent set of installed Python packages in its site directories. Activate the virtual environment and install Django.

source my_env/bin/activatepip install django

Create a Django project called django_auth

django-admin startproject django_auth

Your project directory now looks like this: image

User Authentication in Django

Django comes complete with an authentication system so you don’t have to create an authentication one from scratch. The Django authentication system is provided by **django.contrib.auth** and consists of the following Users Permissions: Binary (yes/no) flags designating whether a user may perform a certain task. Groups: A generic way of applying labels and permissions to more than one user. A configurable password hashing system Forms and view tools for logging in users, or restricting content A pluggable backend system **django.contrib.auth** provides all the logic needed to successfully register, login and logout users and restrict content to unauthorized users. **django.contrib.auth**is already present in your Django project. If you open the file, you will find the configurations namely django.contrib.auth and django.contrib.contenttypes in the list of INSTALLED_APPS, as shown below. You can also find auth and sessions middleware configurations in the file

Authentication Database Tables

Running the migrate command will create the necessary tables for the user authentication system. Lets run the command

python migrate

The command will create actual tables in our database, and you should see something like this: You can also view the tables and confirm that they have been created: As you can see above, we have the following tables:

  • auth_group -
  • auth_group_permissions
  • auth_user
  • auth_user_groups-
Create a superuser

Let’s create a superuser so that we can have access to the Django admin site:

python createsuperuser

Run the development server.

python runserver

You should see something like this:

Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
August 25, 2022 - 08:10:00
Django version 4.0.6, using settings 'django_auth.settings'
Starting development server at <>
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

The application should start at If you navigate to, you can be able to login with the superuser details you created above. Once you login, the admin site looks like this image As you can see above, you can create users from the admin site, but that’s not what we want. We want to provide an interface where users can register, log in, and log out independently.

Authentication Views Since Django has already provided all the login needed to register, login and logout, we need to create pages where users can do their own authentication. To do that , Django provides the django.contrib.auth.urls ,include them in the root urls.pyfile as shown below.

The URLs provided by Django auth are:

accounts/login/ \[name=’login’\]
accounts/logout/ \[name=’logout’\]
accounts/password_change/ \[name=’password_change’\]
accounts/password_change/done/ \[name=’password_change_done’\]
accounts/password_reset/ \[name=’password_reset’\]
accounts/password_reset/done/ \[name=’password_reset_done’\]
accounts/reset/<uidb64>/<token>/ \[name=’password_reset_confirm’\]
accounts/reset/done/ \[name=’password_reset_complete’\]

Create users app

Lets create a users app which will handle all the stuff to do with authentication. Create a Django app called users with the startapp command:

python startapp users

The command above will create a directory called users in the django_auth project. Your files should now look like this. Since Django already comes with the User model, we will not create models for this app. Open and add the users app in INSTALLED_APPS.

Create a Home Page

A home page will be the first page a user sees when they open our application. Whenever Django wants to render a page, it will automatically look for it in the templates directory of the app. The best practice is to place the HTML page inside a directory with the same name as the app. Create a templates folder in the users app. Inside the templates you have just created, create another folder users . Next create a file home.html in the inner most users folder. Your structure of the users app should now look like this: Add the following code to home.html: Dont worry about the url’s, they dont work for now. Let’s now render the home page. Django provides the render() function, which loads the template and provides the contexts when they are passed as arguments. Open users/ and write the following view, which renders the home page.

Map the View to a URL

Create a file called in the users app directory and add the URL for the home page. At the top of the file, import the path object from django.urls and the home view function from Don’t forget to add the users app URLs to the project’s URLs. The django_auth/ file should now look like this: Now when you run the server and navigate to, you should see the following page: image

Home page

Authentication Views

Django provides a list of authentication view classes which include all the logic for performing their unique purposes. These view are:

  • class LoginView

  • class LogoutView

  • class PasswordChangeView

  • class PasswordChangeDoneView

  • class PasswordResetView

    Since these views are already implemented, we don’t need to write the logic from scratch, rather we need to provide the template for each view. Create Login Page By default, the url will try to render the login template . By default, the name of the template for logging users should be **registration/login.html**. Django will look for the login template in the registration folder in the templates directory. Let’s create a folder in the templates directory of the users app called registration and add the login.html file: Add the following code the in the login.html file Here we add a csrf_token to our form. Django uses CSRF tokens to protect forms from malicious users. It does this by adding a secret token inside the POST method when the form is rendered. {{ form.as_p }} renders the form as a series of <p> tags, with each <p> containing one field. Now, you can now be able to log in. If you navigate to, you should see the following page: image

Login page

The login form contains 2 fields username and password. When a user submits the login form with the proper credentials, the user is redirected to the URL specified in the next. If the user login is not successful, the login form is redisplayed. Let’s try and log in with the wrong credential, you should see the errors below: image To provide a seamless user experience, we need to redirect users to the home page after successful login. To do that, add the following in

# users will be redirected to the home page after loginLOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = “home”

After successful login., you should see the following welcome page. image

Home Page

Create a Logout Page

To log out users, we will add a link that will log out users if they click on it. We will also add a redirect URL in, which will redirect users back to the home page once they log out. Open the file and add the following line of code


Open home.html and update it as shown below: Here we check if a user is authenticated, and show the logout link if True, and if False, we show the login link. image

Create a User Registration Page

Up to now, we have been relying on the superuser to perform login and logout functions. We are now able to log in and log out successfully. Let’s see how users can register on their own without having to use the Django admin. The easiest way to do this is to use the UserCreationForm and the CreateView class-based view, which Django provides. The UserCreationForm is a ModelForm for creating a new user and it generates the necessary fields i.e., username and password. Open user/views.pyand add the SignUp view class: Next, create the templates/registration/signup.html page and add the following: Lastly, add the view into Remember to call .as_view()since it's a class-based view. The registration page now looks like this: image

Registration page

After successful registration, a new user will be redirected to the login page.

Clean Up

Now let’s do some clean-up to ensure that if a user is logged in, they see the logout button and Home link. Open home.htmland add the following logic:


Django provides a more effortless and built-in way to log in and authenticate users. You can also use the UserCreationForm provided by Django to create new users. I hope this tutorial will help you get started in designing your own login and registration system in Django. The full source code can be found here.

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