
Integrating Azure B2C as an Identity Provider in Next.js Applications Using NextAuth

A step-by-step guide on seamlessly configuring your Azure B2C instance with a Next.js application.

AuthenticationNextauthAzure and b2c

How to Run a Python File Inside a Docker Container

PythonDockerDocker Compose

Drawing with Code: Using PyAutoCAD to Automate AutoCAD in Python

How to Use Python and PyAutoCAD to Create Custom AutoCAD Drawings


Design Patterns in Python: Repository Pattern

The Repository Design Pattern Explained and Implemented in Python.

Design patternsSoftware engineeringSoftware architecture

Revolutionize Your Web Scraping Experience with Bright Data's Scraping Browser

Solve complex scraping challenges with ease, and improve your data extraction efficiency with a comprehensive, highly scalable low-infra solution.

Bright dataWeb scrapingScraping

Using Design Tokens to Easily Theme Your SAAS Application

Learn how to easily theme your SAAS application using design tokens and Saas UI

ReactSaas uiDesign tokens

Building a Load Balancer using Node JS + Express

NodejsExpressLoad balancing

Breaking Down Knowledge Silos in Software Engineering with Swimm

Silos slow down your entire organization, and degrade your Bus Factor to dangerously low numbers. Find out how to build a culture of knowledge sharing to avoid that - making sure critical expertise is transferred, not hoarded.


5 Best Backend-for-Frontend Tools You Should Be Using

WunderGraph, Istio, AWS EventBridge, Clerk, Auth.js, Axiom, Grafana, and more. Know the tools that make building Backends-for-Frontends a cinch.

WundergraphBffBff pattern

Jest Reference Error: Cannot Access ‘’ Before Initialization

This problem is only fixable by changing the location of import and jest.Mock. It creates the problem, because when we import depA and bring it to our module’s runtime, it already read all the…
