Create an Angular Directive to Detect Clicking Outside an Object
How to Create an Angular Directive to Detect Clicking Outside an Object
Building a pagination component in React with TypeScript
How to create a pagination component in react with TypeScript
Angular Route Reuse Strategy
A Simple Way To Use Path Aliases in NestJS
Path Aliases with NestJS (2022)
An Introduction to Kafka with TypeScript using NestJS
A practical way to introduce you into Kafka, KafkaJS, NestJS micro-services with real examples.
Architecting Robust Software: Embracing Modular Design
How modular design, particularly through use cases, repositories, and a clear testing strategy, can lead to a robust, maintainable, and scalable software application.
Graphix Engine: OOP Style Graphic Editor Development Engine
Introducing Graphix Engine: A lightweight, pluggable, object-oriented programming (OOP) style graphic editor development engine
Refactoring Monoliths to Microservices with the BFF and Strangler Patterns
How do you effectively migrate away from monoliths without getting stuck in Adapter Hell? Let’s talk about the synergy between BFFs and the Strangler pattern, featuring WunderGraph.
Jest Reference Error: Cannot Access ‘’ Before Initialization
This problem is only fixable by changing the location of import and jest.Mock. It creates the problem, because when we import depA and bring it to our module’s runtime, it already read all the…
The Backend-for-Frontend pattern using NextJS: A Step-by-Step Guide
The Backends-for-Frontends pattern might be exactly what you need to avoid monolithic Backend APIs and Frontends bloated with business logic. Let's implement one in Next.js, using WunderGraph as a BFF framework.