Web Development

Demystifying the JIT Compiler

Understanding JIT compiler in JavaScript


Introduction to NGINX Access Logs and Error Logs

A guide to understanding the types of NGINX logs and how to manage them.


useState vs useRef: Which React Hook to Use When

Explore what these React hooks are, their functions, differences, and dive into specific use cases with easy-to-understand examples.


How to Use the Zip Method to Convert Lists into Dictionaries


Creating a Login Form with React: A Step-by-Step Guide

How login forms are made with React: A step by step tutorial


Securing Node.js APIs with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Learn how to secure your REST APIs with JWT.


How to Build Interactive Forms Using HTML and CSS

Well designed web forms attract more customers and increase lead conversions. In this article, we discuss how to create interactive forms using HTML and CSS.


How to Check if a String Contains a Substring in JavaScript

Unveiling JavaScript's Secrets to Substring Detection!


Demystifying Memoization and Hoisting in JavaScript

Turbocharge your JavaScript skills by learning memoization and hoisting.


A Simple Introduction to JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and Session-less Authentication

Go session-less and database-less in your next project with a simple introduction to token based authentication.
