Web Development

How to build a website with only JavaScript


How to Build a Search Bar with JavaScript

A quick walkthrough on how to build a search bar feature with JavaScript


Next.js With Sequelize Web Application, a Full-Stack Web Development

Next.js has become more advance and cutting edge to developers for use as a Full-Stack web Application. The community and people behind Vercel have done a great job on Next.js future.


Role Based Authentication and Authorization with DjangoRestFramework and SimpleJWT

Authorize your users to access endpoints based on their roles


Public, private, and role-based routes in React


How to Create a Slider in JavaScript

Learning Web Development in Practice


Parsing post data 3 different ways in Node.js without third-party libraries

application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and multipart/form-data


Implementing Flask login with hash password

A concise post that helps improve your authentication system


Using Node.js to Display Images in a Private AWS S3 Bucket

Bypassing the File System and Using Streams


32+ funny Code Comments that people actually wrote

Well, This writing will show you how code commenting can be funny too. I have listed some funny code comments people encountered in production code. Note: If you want to learn more about JavaScript…
