Fahadul Shadhin
Build a Sudoku Solver App With JavaScript
A JavaScript app to solve sudoku puzzles using backtracking
Web DevelopmentSoftware DevelopmentProgramming
Build a Django Application to Perform CRUD Operations
Add CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality to your Django application
Convert a Python Project to an Executable (.exe) File
Using Auto PY to EXE we can convert .py files to .exe files very easily. This way our Python project will act as a desktop application. And we will be able to run the application on other windows…
PythonProgrammingSoftware Development
Build a Sorting Algorithm Visualizer in Python
Create a simple GUI application using Python & Tkinter that visualizes various sorting algorithms
How to Structure Your Django Project
Understanding the file structure and project layout of a Django web application.
DjangoPythonWeb development
3 Ways To Store Data in the Browser
Cookies, local storage, and session storage
Set Up Python on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
How to set up your Python development environment on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Software developmentData sciencePython
User Registration and Login Authentication in Django
How to handle signup, login, and log out in Django using the “UserCreationForm”