Theming and Theme Switching in React
How to build and switch modular theme components with Design Tokens, React, the Context API, and Bit
How to Improve Designer-Developer Collaboration
Make developer designer collaboration better by turning GitHub Pull Requests into the ultimate design handoffs
Options to Delete Millions of Objects from a Versioning-Enabled AWS S3 Bucket
3 options to delete the versioning-enabled S3 bucket objects.
How to Build React for Production Using PM2
Improve basic performance and reduce load time by hosting React app as a static build..
Why it is important to improve your visual/UI design skills for good web development
Simple Way to Extract Images From DOCX Files Using Python
A guide to creating a straightforward and short program that could extract images from a picture.
Everything You Need to Know About AWS Lambda Layers
AWS SQS CLI commands with examples
The AWS SQS is the first service AWS offered to the public. It is a stable, robust, fast, and scalable service widely used in asynchronous systems. In this tutorial I will show with examples the AWC CLI commands to manipulate with SQS.
How to Convert Minutes to Hours and Minutes in JavaScript
Learn how to easily convert separate a number of total minutes into full hours and remaining minutes in JavaScript.
Infinite Currying in JavaScript
A tutorial on how to implement infinite currying in JavaScript.