
Theming and Theme Switching in React

How to build and switch modular theme components with Design Tokens, React, the Context API, and Bit


How to Improve Designer-Developer Collaboration

Make developer designer collaboration better by turning GitHub Pull Requests into the ultimate design handoffs

GithubDesigner developer collaborationCollaboration

Options to Delete Millions of Objects from a Versioning-Enabled AWS S3 Bucket

3 options to delete the versioning-enabled S3 bucket objects.


How to Build React for Production Using PM2

Improve basic performance and reduce load time by hosting React app as a static build..

ProgrammingFront End Development

Why it is important to improve your visual/UI design skills for good web development

Web DevelopmentUI DesignUX Design

Simple Way to Extract Images From DOCX Files Using Python

A guide to creating a straightforward and short program that could extract images from a picture.

PythonLife hackEffectiveness

Everything You Need to Know About AWS Lambda Layers

AWSAWS LambdaCloud Computing

AWS SQS CLI commands with examples

The AWS SQS is the first service AWS offered to the public. It is a stable, robust, fast, and scalable service widely used in asynchronous systems. In this tutorial I will show with examples the AWC CLI commands to manipulate with SQS.


How to Convert Minutes to Hours and Minutes in JavaScript

Learn how to easily convert separate a number of total minutes into full hours and remaining minutes in JavaScript.


Infinite Currying in JavaScript

A tutorial on how to implement infinite currying in JavaScript.
