Pooling Layer — Short and Simple
Here's all the information you should know about Pooling Layer in CNN
Machine learningPooling layerDeep learning
Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet in Node.js
A detailed story to learn, write and execute regular expressions easily
Why you can't break a forEach loop in JavaScript
No break in ForEach()
How to write articles that people want to read
Here are a bunch of recommendations that the In Plain English team consider to be best practices when writing articles that your readers will find engaging and easy-to-read
WritingStyle guideWrite for ipe
Using Node.js to Display Images in a Private AWS S3 Bucket
Bypassing the File System and Using Streams
Simple Pagination with Node.js, Express, and Mongoose
How to Use React Router with Layouts: A New Approach
Using Array to Make Router in a Simple React App
React routerJavascriptReact
32+ funny Code Comments that people actually wrote
Well, This writing will show you how code commenting can be funny too. I have listed some funny code comments people encountered in production code. Note: If you want to learn more about JavaScript…
ProgrammingSoftware EngineeringFunny
Creating a Confirm Dialog in React and Material UI
Creating a generic text-input component with React
Gracefully managing forms and input values in React State (Part II)
ReactText inputForms