Your Local LLM using FastAPI
FastAPI is a modern, fast, and easy-to-use web framework for building APIs with Python. It is based on the standard Python pointer type and supports features such as data validation, documentation…
Single Object Detection with PyTorch Step-by-Step
Finding the center of the fovea in medical eye images from the iChallenge-AMD competition.
PythonComputer visionObject detection
Proper Way of Using Google Authentication with Django and Django-allauth.
DjangoAuthenticationDjango Allauth
NetNut Proxy Review: Unveiling the Power of Anonymous Browsing
Web scrapingNetnutReview
Effortless Exception Error Handling in FastAPI: A Clean and Simplified Approach
Implementing a middleware that displays the errors in a more concise and organized manner.
Python programmingFastapiProgramming
5 Best Practices for Backends-for-Frontends
Best practices to follow when implementing the BFF pattern: do’s and don’ts.
Using SQLite with Next.js 13
NextjsNext 13Sql
Managing API Keys and Secrets in Python Using the Dotenv Library: A Beginner’s Guide
A guide to using the library python-dotenv for managing API keys and secrets.
Leveraging Web Scraping for Dynamic Pricing Strategies for E-commerce
How to leverage web scraping to enhance and optimize your e-commerce dynamic pricing strategy: benefits, challenges, and solutions.
Web scrapingBright dataJavascript
Grow Your Social Media Channels with JAP
MarketingBusinessSocial media