The Backend-for-Frontend pattern using NextJS: A Step-by-Step Guide
The Backends-for-Frontends pattern might be exactly what you need to avoid monolithic Backend APIs and Frontends bloated with business logic. Let's implement one in Next.js, using WunderGraph as a BFF framework.
Next.js Project With PWA
It’s easy to create a PWA project with next-pwa module
Working with styled-components in the Next.js
Styled-components is a popular CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write component-based styling in your React projects. When combined with the capabilities of Next.js, the result is a powerful…
The Right Way to Detect Mobile Breakpoints in Next.js
How to make useIsMobile hook in Next.js
I Built a Serverless Live Chat App with Next.js, Fauna, and WunderGraph for GraphQL Live Queries
A step-by-step guide to creating a scalable, real-time chat app using Serverless technologies, with a little help from NextAuth.js for GitHub sign-ins. Who needs WebSockets when you've got Live Queries?"
Data Fetching with Next.js 13's Bleeding-Edge Features — A Primer
The app directory, Streaming, Suspense, and hybrid Server and Client Components demystified — with a little help from GraphQL + WunderGraph.
How to Use ChatGPT as an Educational Chatbot in a Next.js Frontend
Can you use OpenAI's GPT-3.5 on your website as a chat assistant? You bet. Here's how to get it done with an Express server, WunderGraph as a BFF, and GraphQL.
How To Solve Hydration Error In Next.js
Today, let’s talk about hydration error that often occurs in Next.js. Most of us used Next.js must be familiar with the following error: The reason for the error has been clearly stated in the error…
Which Database Should You Use for Your Next.js App?
PostgreSQL, Fauna, MongoDB, WunderBase. There are a lot of options out there. How to choose the right database based on performance, price, scalability, and developer experience.
Next.js Middleware: How it Works and 5 Real Use Cases
Since v. 12.0.0 (stable from 12.2.0), Next.js added Middleware. Middleware (as it is in many other frameworks) is a way to intercept the user's request before it reaches the actual page. Put simply…