
How To Get Live Forex Data With 2 Lines Of Python Code

The latest release from Yahoo Finance API for Python provides the possibility of getting live data with less than a second lag for free

PythonForexData Science

Build a Sorting Algorithm Visualizer in Python

Create a simple GUI application using Python & Tkinter that visualizes various sorting algorithms


Let's Build a Random Character Generator in Python

Explore advanced features of Python by making a tool for playing tabletop RPG's.


Build Your Own Alexa With Just 20 Lines of Python

Programmers can get anything for free

AlexaPythonRaspberry pi

How to Deal with Time-Series Stock Data Using pandas

A guide to help implement various pandas functions on stock data.


Python Discord Bots: Formatting Text

How to add rich formatting to Python Discord bots

PythonDiscordDiscord bot

Autoflake — Remove Unused Imports & Unused Variables from Python Code

Decluttering doesn't happen overnight. It's a process — and often, one that requires equal parts motivation and inspiration

PythonDataData science

How to find all possible combinations in a list (and their sum) with Python

Mini-learns with Python 3


9 Seaborn Datasets for Data Science + ML Beginners

Like the picture above, the journey to becoming a data scientist and reach the highest peak begins with learning to walk. You can’t start with a complicated neural network if you’ve never mastered…

PythonMachine LearningProgramming

Importing Bulk CSV Data Into MySQL Using Python

Find the Fastest Way to Import CSV Data Into MySQL Database Using Python
