How to Pass Props from Child to Parent Component in React

Learn this neat little trick to pass chunks of props back up the component tree!

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Quick and easy

If you've used React, you have obviously passed data down from a parent component to a child using props.** This is called uni-directional data flow**.

What if I showed you a little trick which could allow you to conversely pass small chunks of props from the CHILD component back up to the PARENT component?

Here's the trick — very simple. We have 2 components:

  • Parent: App.js

  • Child: Child.js

Use the following steps:

  • Create a function inside your parent component, pass it a parameter and log that parameter using console.log .

  • Pass the function name as props into your child component render.

  • Invoke the function from props inside your child component.

  • Pass in your data as an argument inside the invocation.

  • Viola.

Parent component:

import Child from "./Child";

function App() {
  const pull_data = (data) => {
    console.log(data); // LOGS DATA FROM CHILD (My name is Dean Winchester... &)

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Child func={pull_data} />

export default App;

Child component:

const Child = (props) => {
  props.func("My name is Dean Winchester & this is my brother Sammie");

  return (
      <h1>I am the Child Component!</h1>

export default Child;

It's that simple!

Also, notice that inside Child.js , the use of React Fragments <> ... </> .

This allows us to create fewer DOM nodes, giving our app a small performance boost. It also helps with debugging (less clutter of div s).

Thanks for reading — I hope this provided some good value.

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Further Reading

Composable Link Component that Works in Any React Meta-Framework

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