The Node Exporter is a service from Prometheus that allows for the extraction of node information via an Application Program Interface (API). If you are reading this then you probably are well aware…
Manage your secrets using Vault and Python — Dock2Learn
When connecting your AWS environment to a SaaS solution in another AWS account, what do you say if you get asked whether you want to use AWS PrivateLink, Transit Gateway (TGW), or VPC Peering to…
Gitlab CI pipeline for AWS EC2 deployment
Since I started using AWS CloudFormation 4 years ago, I have seen many people using the Fn::Join command to merge information such as static text and variables in their CloudFormation templates. While this works, it can get messy and difficult to understand when things get complicated. Fn::Sub helps simplify our template definitions.
How to build a container and push it to a container registry, all from within Bitbucket Pipelines.
Quick automation tips for clearing out your AWS S3 buckets.