How to Deploy a NGINX Server with Kubernetes
Create 2 deployments with Nginx containers with a YAML file.
CloudCloud computingKubernetes
Integrating Azure B2C as an Identity Provider in Next.js Applications Using NextAuth
A step-by-step guide on seamlessly configuring your Azure B2C instance with a Next.js application.
AuthenticationNextauthAzure and b2c
Network Monitoring for Amazon Lambda Applications
Streamlining Serverless Applications: Managing AWS Lambda Dependencies with Layers and Terraform
AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that allows you to run your code without provisioning or managing servers. To get the most out of Lambda, it’s crucial to understand how to upload and…
AWSAWS LambdaTerraform
Running Splunk Enterprise on the Amazon Cloud: Costs and Considerations
Cloud Migration to AWS: Tools and Best Practices
Using AWS to Create a Docker Swarm Cluster
Deploying an AWS Autoscaling Group with Terraform
TerraformAWSCloud Computing
Implementing Istio in AWS
Monitoring ML Models in AWS