Single Object Detection with PyTorch Step-by-Step
Finding the center of the fovea in medical eye images from the iChallenge-AMD competition.
PythonComputer visionObject detection
Proper Way of Using Google Authentication with Django and Django-allauth.
DjangoAuthenticationDjango Allauth
Effortless Exception Error Handling in FastAPI: A Clean and Simplified Approach
Implementing a middleware that displays the errors in a more concise and organized manner.
Python programmingFastapiProgramming
Managing API Keys and Secrets in Python Using the Dotenv Library: A Beginner’s Guide
A guide to using the library python-dotenv for managing API keys and secrets.
Python Inline Commands and Lambda Functions: Streamlining Your Code
Inline CommandsLambda FunctionsShort Syntax
How to Generate Word Embedding Using BERT ?
Transformer ModelBertPython
Better Python Singleton with a Metaclass
Are you sometimes puzzled by Python singletons, classes, and perhaps have never heard of a metaclass? What is a singleton? What’s the best and most pythonic way to implement one?
Maximizing Spark Performance: Minimizing Shuffle Overhead
Here’s Your Guide to IBM’s “Data Visualization with Python” Final Assignment (or How to Code a Dashboard using Plotly Dash)
DashboardData VisualizationData Analysis
A Deep Dive into Apache Spark Join Strategies