Send HTTP Requests As Fast As Possible in Python
Use Python's synchronous, multi-threading, queue, and asyncio event loop to make 100 HTTP requests and see which solution performs the best.
How to Use Proxies When Web Scraping in Python
A guide on how to use proxies when scraping websites.
PythonWeb scrapingProxies
Best Python Libraries for Algorithmic Trading
In this article we help you to define which Python libraries work best if you are actively engaged with algorithmic trading with Python
How to Generate Automated Word Documents with Python
Automating the repetitive tasks that you shouldn’t be wasting time over
How to Remove Image Background Using Python
Remove images’ backgrounds using the Python library Rembg.
How to Use the Match Statement in Python
A guide on Python 3.10 switch command
Django Social Authentication: Login With Google
How to sign in and sign out using Google and Django framework.
PythonHTMLWeb Development
Remove Silence from Your Audio in Python with ‘pydub'
Shorten the pauses in your audio with ‘pydub'!
How Can We Upload Data to Google Colab?
The most popular ways of uploading CSV files on the Google Colab notebook.
Google colabDataProgramming
Build Your Own Search Engine Using Python
Part 2: Build a front-end visualization for your search engine
PythonWeb DevelopmentSoftware Development