Store Passwords Safely in Python
How to hash passwords using the bcrypt library
How I Made an Automatic Birthday Wisher Using Python
A guide on making an automatic bday wisher using Python.
Python FastAPI — Serving Images, MP3 Files, etc. from Your Backend for Beginners
A beginners’ guide on how to serve images, MP3 files, PDF files, DOC files, etc. to frontend from backend using Python FastAPI.
Understand collate_fn in PyTorch
A beginner-friendly tutorial on how to create batches in PyTorch and how to modify default behavior for our needs.
PytorchPythonDeep learning
Python: A Quick Revision
An introduction to Python for beginners
PythonCodingComputer Science
Covariance Calculation Using Python
A guide on how to calculate covariance without using NumPy.
Create AI Content Generator with Python Flask and OpenAI GPT-3
A tutorial on how to use the OpenAI API to generate AI content.
Solve Graph Coloring Problem with Greedy Algorithm and Python
How to color the connected nodes with a different color for each adjacent node
GraphGreedy algorithmsPython
Rename and Move S3 Object using Python Boto3
Moving Object in S3 using Python
Connect to MySQL with SQLAlchemy
Connect To A Database With a Python ORM