
How to Pass Data Between Pages in react-router-dom V6?

3 ways of passing data between pages in react-router-dom V6

ReactReact routerReact router dom

Mock Your Hooks to Make Testing Simpler

Mocking with Jest can have a weird learning curve. Let's see how to mock those hooks.


Advanced Page Transitions in Next.js with Router Events and GSAP


Build a Custom Theme Provider Using React's Context API

Add support for switching themes in your React App - no libraries, from scratch, in a simple way. All we need is React's Context API and CSS.


Why you shouldn’t always use “useState”

ReactUsestateReact hooks

How to Create a Toggle Button in React Using Conditional Rendering

Create a toggle button to show and hide data using the useState hook.


Step-by-Step Tutorial: React Redux 2022 with Hooks

Create a store from the ground up and integrate it with hooks.


The Difference Between useState and useRef in React

useState vs useRef in React: everything you need to know.

Web developmentJavascriptReact

React with TypeScript or JavaScript — Which Side are You on?

JavaScript is the beloved child of frontend development, but TypeScript is the father of this beloved child. Learn to embrace it and get ahead in 2022.


Build Your React Component Library with TypeScript and Rollup

A simple guide on building your React Component Library to save precious development time.
