
It is really easy to convert local time to UTC in JavaScript

Do you feel the need for a library even for a small task like converting local Date to UTC format?


How to Use Regular Expression to Get Strings Between Parentheses with JavaScript?

A tutorial on how to use regular expressions to get strings between parentheses with JavaScript.

JavascriptRegexRegular expression

How to Initialize a JavaScript Date to a Particular Time Zone?

Sometimes, we may want to initialize a JavaScript date to a particular time zone. The default time zone is UTC.


How To Convert Any Function To An Arrow Function In JavaScript

Same results, less code. Learn the process of converting any type of traditional JavaScript function into an arrow function to make your code more compact and powerful.

JavascriptArrow function

Comparing Objects in JavaScript

What works, what doesn't and why


Algorithms — Diagonal Difference Solution using JavaScript: HackerRank

Given a square matrix, calculate the absolute difference between the sums of its diagonals.


An Introduction to Kafka with TypeScript using NestJS

A practical way to introduce you into Kafka, KafkaJS, NestJS micro-services with real examples.


8 on Scroll Animation JavaScript Libraries You Can Consider

Create awesome scroll-triggered animations on elements on your website.


5 Useful Tricks JavaScript has been Hiding from You

A little guide that might benefit you

JavascriptProgrammingWeb development

5 tricky JavaScript problems to check before your next interview (Part 1)

I hope you have not blown your interview just yet because you got caught off-guard with some strange problems you've never seen before.
