Data Science

Bayes' Theorem: Concepts and Code

Building on our understanding of conditional probability we'll get into Bayes' Theorem


Predicting probabilities with Python


Recursive Neural Networks (RvNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

A recursive network is only a recurrent network generalization. In a recurrent network, weights are exchanged (and dimensionality stays constant) over the sequence and, in a test cycle, you can see a list of varying lengths then you will find in train times while working with position-dependent weights. For the same reason, the weights are distributed in a recursive network (and dimensionality stays constant).


How to use Pandas-Profiling on Google Colab

Automated exploratory data analysis using Pandas Profiling in Jupyter on Google Colab


From API to Pandas—Getting JSON Data With Python

A working example of getting JSON data from an API to a Pandas DataFrame in Python with Google Colab and Open Data DC.


Making Plots with Pandas groupby

A series of example code and plots using Pandas groupby method.


Fischer's Linear Discriminant Analysis in Python From Scratch

Learn about Fisher's LDA and implement it from scratch in Python.


Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) Installation Guide - Easy yet powerful ETL tool

This is a step-by-step installation guide for Pentaho Data Integration. Well, why Pentaho Data Integration aka ‘Kettle’? Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool to…


15 Python Snippets to Optimize your Data Science Pipeline
