Machine Learning

Convolutional Autoencoders (CAE) with Tensorflow


Iris Flower Classification Step-by-Step Tutorial

Do you want to learn machine learning, but having trouble getting started?


9 Seaborn Datasets for Data Science + ML Beginners

Like the picture above, the journey to becoming a data scientist and reach the highest peak begins with learning to walk. You can’t start with a complicated neural network if you’ve never mastered…


How to Find Best Fit K-Value in KNN

What is K in KNN?


Predicting probabilities with Python


Recursive Neural Networks (RvNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

A recursive network is only a recurrent network generalization. In a recurrent network, weights are exchanged (and dimensionality stays constant) over the sequence and, in a test cycle, you can see a list of varying lengths then you will find in train times while working with position-dependent weights. For the same reason, the weights are distributed in a recursive network (and dimensionality stays constant).


Hyperparameter Tuning of Decision Tree Classifier Using GridSearchCV

The models can have many hyperparameters and finding the best combination of the parameter using grid search methods.


How to Calculate Entropy and Information Gain in Decision Trees

What is entropy and information gain in decision trees?


Understanding Confusion Matrix and Applying It on KNN-Classifier on Iris Data Set

What is Confusion matrix? Confusion matrix is one such important tool which helps us evaluate our model's performance.


Fischer's Linear Discriminant Analysis in Python From Scratch

Learn about Fisher's LDA and implement it from scratch in Python.
